PlanetJune Craft Blog
Latest news and updates from June

a new addition!

I’ve been dealing with a new batch of PTSD-related stuff for the last few weeks, since I was triggered by an incident in my neighbourhood. It’s exhausting to go from feeling pretty much okay to being thrust back into panic attacks and hypervigilance again.

As a result of that, I started to more seriously consider getting a little emotional support dog, and my therapist agreed it’d be a very good idea. After searching all the local shelters, I found the dog that sounded like my perfect match – even just reading her description made me cry with how much she sounded like exactly what I was looking for. Plus, she’s totally adorable…

Maggie dog

It was a bit of a snap decision to adopt her (although I’ve been debating for years whether or not the time was right to get a dog), but when life hands you an opportunity, you have to grab it or miss out!

Maggie dog

So, here is my new baby, Maggie. She’s 7 years old and we think she’s mostly Miniature Poodle (or even Toy Poodle – she’s a tiny little scrap!) and she’s a curly-coated lovebug. She doesn’t know any words except her name as yet, but she’s a very good girl. 🙂

Maggie dog

Maggie is only two thirds of Maui’s size, but he’s very unsure of her at the moment even though she’s not even slightly interested in him. I’m hoping they’ll learn to get along, or at least to ignore each other. They’ve touched noses twice now, so I think there’s a chance they’ll become friends eventually!

Maggie dog

She’s already done wonders for my PTSD – sitting with a warm little dog sleeping on your lap is incredibly soothing, and patrolling the neighbourhood with my tiny fearless companion at my side puts things back into perspective.

But, there’s a bit of a learning curve to integrate a dog into our household! I’ve never lived with a dog before, and I’m reading and googling and trying to figure out dozens of things every day. I’ve signed us up for a training class, but that doesn’t start for another week so I’ll have to muddle through until then.

Maggie dog

My life is a bit upside down right now as a result of all this, but I’m trying to practice the ‘acceptance of my situation’ that was one of my goals for this year. It’s incredibly frustrating that I don’t have a new pattern ready to debut this month, but, on the bright side, until I was distracted by life, I’d been working on a special new design that I’m really excited about. Every time I walk past my prototype I smile – it’s one of the best things I’ve ever designed! I’ve had to put the pattern on hold until I get my brain back to working at full capacity; it’s impossible to be creative and clever and innovative when you’re completely drained. I know it’ll be worth waiting for, and a few more weeks isn’t going to make any difference in the grand scheme of things.

Maggie dog

Thanks to my starting to learn how to be a good dog parent, plus lots of dog walking and dog shopping and dog/cat mediation, I’m utterly exhausted right now – but it’s for a much healthier reason than the fear and stress of the last weeks!

Maggie dog

Once Maggie and I get settled into a routine, I think she’ll make an excellent PlanetJune assistant, helping me to stay calm and focused (and providing plenty of cuteness inspiration, of course).

Maggie dog

Please welcome my sweet little Maggie to the PlanetJune family!


  1. Susan said

    Maggie looks so precious! there is only one thing better for stress than a dog and that’s another dog! I’m not suggesting you follow my example though. My stress levels required the medication of many dogs over the years, nine dogs at one point though there were usually only about six. Age and nature have reduced my herd to two little old geriatrics who are enough for me now and happily I was recently able to begin to do miniature crochet again after a particularly bad few years. Wishing you many years of joy with your Maggie.

  2. Sherrill said

    Congratulations! I am so happy for you and Maggie and Maui!! I work in a busy law office and every so often someone will bring their dog for the day and we all love it so much. Dogs are so very soothing when you are having a busy crazy day. Maggie looks so happy with you and it is wonderful you chose to adopt an adult dog. I also have dogs and a cat at home and couldn’t live without them. Enjoy!!!:dog:❤:cat:

  3. Erica said

    Congratulations on your new addition! Welcome, Maggie!

  4. :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:

    • June said

      • hi June your little Maggie so precious shes adorablei love your new baby i am so happy for you sandie:kissing_heart::kissing_closed_eyes:

  5. Sara Branch said

    Congratulations!! Maggie is just adorable and you did a great thing by adopting an older dog with house manners! I’m sure that you’ll be able to work with her and integrate her into your house and your life. Nothing more calming than having a reassuring little foot or nose on your hand when you need it most.

    • June said

      Thank you, Sara. You’re right, adopting an older dog was a great decision – I don’t think I could have coped with the playful energy of a puppy at the moment! Maggie didn’t know any words except her name (how did that happen?!) but she’s loving and well-behaved and very smart, and she’s learning every day!

  6. Deborah White said

    I’m so very happy you got a therapy pupper. My dogs are a true pleasure for me. unconditional love never hurt anyone. lol

    • June said

      Absolutely, Deborah! Please give your dogs a cuddle from me :slight_smile:

  7. Bea said

    Such a sweet little thing! I’m sure it’s going to be great having her at your side, and I hope you are feeling better soon 😀

    • June said

      Thank you so much, Bea! She’s made a real difference to me already – she has such a pure loving energy ☺

  8. janet said

    I could not live with out a pet in the home i got a beautiful kitten called Frankie when i am depressed she snuggles up to me . A pet in the home is the most wonderful thing ever some one to listen and don’t judge you .

    • June said

      I agree, Janet – animal companions are just so special! Little Frankie sounds like a sweetie – please give her a snuggle from me.

  9. Charlotte Kidwell said

    Oh, June, your little Maggie is just adorable!! So beautiful…..her sweetness just glows all around her!! I’m sure she’s just what you need to help you fight your battle with PTSD! Pets are so good at keeping our minds tuned into the present and helping the time go by. And as you said, loving them gives us so much joy and peace. My little helper is Lily, my pure white rescue kitty. She keeps me grounded and helps with the lonliness I feel from time to time. I’m keeping you and Maggie in my prayers. God bless you, June and Maggie. There’s always light at the end of the tunnel! Little Maggie is already helping you get there and she’ll be there from now on to help you live peacefully and free from panic and anxiety. Your friend, Charlotte from Phoenix, AZ.

    • June said

      Thank you so much, Charlotte! Maggie is already my loving and faithful companion – it feels like we’ve been together for months, not just a couple of weeks, and she’s making such a difference when I get triggered – she just curls up in my lap and calms me down… :heart_eyes:

      Please give Lily a cuddle from me. (I see her in your avatar – she looks beautiful!)

  10. Moira said

    Dear June and welcome dearest Maggie. Maggie is beautiful and you can see by your photos, she is feeling lots of love. I have a beautiful companion, a adopted greyhound called Kylie. We are the best of friends and she is always willing to listen and understands my feelings. Kylie helps me so much, i just can’t put into words. Have a wonderful life, this is a decision you will never regret. Love to you both from Kylie and Moira xx

    • June said

      Aww, thank you, Moira! There’s no doubt in my mind that I’ve made the right decision – I’m sure we were made for each other. Please give sweet Kylie a snuggle from me :two_hearts:

  11. Jennifer said

    So, so cute!!! Congratulations on your new addition!!

    • June said

      Thank you, Jennifer! She’s a real sweetie ☺

  12. Debi Schuhow said

    girl, know all about PTSD and it IS exhausting!! i value your transparency.
    i love my cats, they follow me around the house, and compete against whatever im crocheting for my lap.
    you take care of yourself first and your creativity will return, it may take some time.
    God bless!

    • June said

      Thanks for the support, Debi – I’m so sorry you’ve also had experience with PTSD. I adore my Maui cat too – I don’t think I would have got through my traumatic incidents without him. And now Maggie can give me lots of extra support – it’s impossible to be scared to leave the house when you get to walk an enthusiastic pup three times a day!

  13. Miriam P. said

    Oh, my goodness, how cute!! I’m so happy you seem to have found the right dog companion for you. I think what “we” need now is an amigurumi pattern of Maggie!

    • June said

      Ooh, I would love to do that, Miriam! It’s just deciding how to represent her fur… Do I make her smooth like my other AmiDogs? Or do I design a more realistic dog pattern? (It could be the start of a whole new range!) I don’t know, but I’m sure that inspiration will strike – I can’t look at that little face every day and not be inspired!

  14. Ruth Lister said

    So sorry to hear that the wretched PTSD has raised it’s ugly head again June, but sounds like you are armed and ready to give it the heave ho! :thumbsup_tone1::blush::dog:
    A big warm welcome to Maggie. She certainly is adorable and will be the best medicine. Dogs are so atuned to your feelings and moods, so she wil be a constant source of love and support for you.
    I hope your battery recharges swiftly so that you can resume your creativity soon, and I’m looking forward to hearing about your adventures with Maggie and Maui. xo

    • June said

      Thanks, Ruth. She’s helped me so much already, with love and snuggles and with fresh air and exercise, and with having to bounce out of bed first thing every morning now so I can take her out (now that’s a real change for me!)

      I’m still working on the Maggie/Maui relationship though – that’s my next challenge :sweat_smile:

  15. Virginia Martinez said

    June~your doggy and you make a good match and was meant to be yours . much love to you , good Blessings .

    • June said

      Thanks so much, Virginia. Maggie and I think so too! She just loves to be with me – what more could I ask for? ☺

  16. Robbi Rainwater Wallen said

    I’m glad you have Maggie. My Scooby Doo helps me and shares my chair as I crochet. They’re wonderful little helpers. i look forward to your next pattern.

    • June said

      Thanks Robbi! I take it your Scooby isn’t a Great Dane if he can share your chair.. 😉 Maggie is sleeping next to me right now as I work on the new design (I just stopped for a bit to read/reply to these comments!)

  17. Ellen said

    Hi June, A BIG Hug to you from me and my fur baby, from Western Australia. i couldnt live a happy life if i didnt have a furry best friend in it. i have always had a dog, since my 1st, when i was 19. A Corgi, Honey,was my bestest friend, i took her every where, except to my emplyment. i had her for 16 beautiful years. Then I had a black minuture poodle, Lady. she was a bundle of soft, before she left to live with my Ex husband, i got myself a Jack Russell and she was my 2nd bestest friend, i had her for 17 beautiful years, always by myside with uncondition love. Then i got another Corgi, Roxy. She is with me now as i type this story. she is my 3rd bestest friend. She is 5, and has the most beautiful foxy tail.
    June, know we love you and appreciate all you have and will do in your crochet and other crafts. You are never alone, God Blesd you and your little bundle of soft, new bestest fridnd. hugs n love from Me. :sparkling_heart::pray_tone1::kissing_heart:

    • June said

      Thank you so much, Ellen. Please give Roxy a snuggle from me!

  18. Cecelia Remedios said

    OMGOODNESS!!! Your Baby is ADORABLE!!!
    SOOOOOOOO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! Fur Babies give SOOOOOOOO much Love and comfort and they are not even aware.

    • June said

      Thank you, Cecelia! You’re right, she’s just full of love and comfort:two_hearts:

  19. Jan said

    So pleased that you have found such an adorable little pooch and that you got her from a shelter. You have helped each other and I’m sure Maggie will make a huge difference to your life. Welcome, Maggie!

    • June said

      Thank you, Jan! I’d been searching (online) all the shelters within a couple of hours’ drive to find the right dog, and when Maggie appeared I just had the feeling we’d be perfect for each other. I’m so happy to have been able to give her a new life and a new family.

  20. Susan said

    Hi June!
    Congratulations on the addition of Your new furry friend, Maggie! She sure is a litttle cutie! You’ll soon know the Blessing and Joys a dog brings to your Life! The bond you two will make is a Wonderous and Precious Gift from Heaven. She’ll be a perfect support friend for You!
    Blessings to You from Texas.
    ps. I Loved your newsletter and photos about Seth! What an incredible crocheter he is!

    • June said

      Thank you, Susan! We’ve already bonded pretty closely – she’s an absolute treasure.

  21. BRENDA said

    Maggie is adorable!!! She looks like the twin of my Childhood poodle named Angel. She will be such a great companion and comfort for you!!!! Bless you for adopting!!!!!

    • June said

      Oh, how lovely, Brenda – I’d love to see a photo of Angel! If you have one, please email it to me (

      And I’m so lucky to have been able to adopt an older dog – I couldn’t deal with exuberant puppy energy right now; Maggie is calm and just wants to snuggle most of the time, which is just what I need ☺

  22. Katy said

    What a cute little lovebug! Congratulations!

  23. Catherine Hershberger said

    Awww, isn’t she lucky to get to live with you? You will love having a dog. I’m happy for you. Can’t wait to see what your new design is, but I will practice patience.

    • June said

      I think I’m the lucky one, Catherine – Maggie is such a sweetheart. (But thank you for saying that!)

  24. Pauline Quevillon said

    she is adorable, I am sure she wii give you the attention and the calm that you deserve.

    be patient and you will be rewarded.

    • June said

      Thank you, Pauline! I’m feeling better already with her around – even just looking into her lovely eyes makes me relax and smile ☺

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