AquaAmi are in the works…
I staged their photoshoot this morning, complete with painted sea/sky backdrop and fabric rocks/sand. The white background I used before really did no justice at all to my white whale. I had a fun arts & crafts evening painting a bristol board with craft acrylics and making a cardboard mountain in preparation for this photo extravaganza.
I’ll show you the full results of the photoshoot on the AquaAmi Set 1 pattern release day (and if you’d like to know when that is, sign up for the mailing list and you’ll be e-mailed the very minute they are available!) but here’s a sample in the form of a much better photo of my beluga whale:
Now I’m thinking she needs a little grey whale calf by her side!
UPDATE: Looking for the pattern? You can find the AquaAmi Beluga Whale crochet pattern in my shop.
lanny said
i would to be notified as new patterns etc become availaqble
val said
amazing what a difference…..the little whale REALLY stands out beautifully.
so cute, I am looking forward to seeing the first set.
Kari said
Wow! You did a great job on the backdrop – it’s awesome! It really shows off your beluga SoOoOo much better! I can’t wait for the next set! 😀
Mandie said
Keep up the great work, love your blog! Thanks for sharing.
Chelsea said
“Baby beluga in the deep blue sea
You swim so wild and you swim so free…”