PlanetJune Craft Blog
Latest news and updates from June

Welcome to PlanetJune! My name is June Gilbank and I am a crochet pattern designer, writer, blogger, and multi-crafter.

June Gilbank (PlanetJune)

I’ve designed well over 200 crochet patterns since I started my business in 2007, and my specialties are cute and realistic amigurumi-style animals, plants, and seasonal crochet designs. My high-quality designs bring together my loves of crochet, technical writing, nature and cuteness.

a sample of PlanetJune crochet patterns

I have written three published craft books: Paper Chains & Garlands (out-of-print 1st Edition previously available through Barnes & Noble; new self-published 2nd Edition ebook now available), The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Amigurumi (2010, Alpha Books, available from all good bookstores), and my latest book Idiot’s Guide: Crochet (2014, DK, available from all good bookstores). My work has also been featured in several other craft books and magazines.

I also have a range of accessories patterns (PlanetJune Accessories) designed to showcase the beauty and elegance of crochet, and to teach all the techniques needed to be able to complete them.

PlanetJune Accessories Diamond Flowers Scarf Wrap crochet pattern

My favourite crafts include crochet, punchneedle embroidery, polymer clay (FIMO) modelling, knitting and sewing, but I have diverse interests, and I’m always on the lookout for new things to try. You’ll see them all on my blog as I log my crafty pursuits, together with the occasional glimpse into my other passion: the wonders of the natural world.

I was born in the UK but my husband’s first career as an astronomer has taken us around the world! After several years in South Africa, Dave and I have moved back to Canada. We’re now making our forever home in Waterloo, Ontario, with our cat Maui and our new pup Maggie.

I hope you enjoy looking around, and I’d love to hear from you!



  1. Bev said

    Hello June, Hello from a Cape Town 🙂

    I am attempting your Primrose flower. Havent even put a loop on my hook yet because I don’t know if you are talking USA or U.K.?

    I can pretty much guess with patterns with sc but when there is no sc and I looked up your site and you are UK/SA and now Canada you could be either or.

    Please let me know! Many thanks

    • June said

      Hi Bev, the ‘Terminology’ section on p1 of each of my patterns explains all the stitch abbreviations used in the pattern in standard (US) terminology and also has conversions to UK terminology, so just check that section and you’ll never be confused 🙂

  2. Heya June, I am a ‘seasoned’ crocheter by myself and I love your tutorials and patterns. Thank you so much for sharing them with us 🙂

  3. Annalicia esquerra said

    I recently ordered something with aliens.. I thought you made them and delivered them , do you give us the materials and we have to make it ourselves or can you please make it ?

    • June said

      Hi Annalicia, I don’t sell finished items or the materials to make them; just the pattern (as a digital download via PDF file) so you can make my designs yourself by following my detailed crochet and assembly instructions.

      If you need help following my patterns, please see my tutorials page at which will teach you all the techniques you need in order to complete my patterns.

      If you’d like to buy finished items based on my patterns, please see the list of my customers who sell PlanetJune-designed items, at – maybe you can find one who has what you want in stock, or can custom-make it for you 🙂

  4. Helena O'Brien said

    Hi June! Your designs are the cutest and yet most simple and easy patterns for crochet ever!!!! I am a quick learner, i started last week and I have already made quite a few little animals! I will totally buy SEVERAL of your patterns!!!!


  5. Linda said

    Are your patterns in UK or American terms????

    • June said

      Linda, if you look at the Terminology section at the start of each of my patterns, you’ll see the standard (US) abbreviations I use, and the equivalent stitches in UK terminology, so you can use my patterns whichever you’re used to, just by consulting the terminology section 🙂

  6. Patty kreiser said

    Hi! June, I would love to donate but I took a fall in a fast food place back in 2006. I had my knee replaced but it just got worse. I am now on disability. The money I receive is hardly enough to take care of a mouse. I like to crochet if my arthritis will let me. I don’t sell them when I make something .I give them as gifts. When someone helps me ,like driving far .I can only drive around our County. I like to give them something I crocheted. When I fell at this fast food place I was a customer not a worker. If I get money I would like to donate but so far I am unable to do so . Thank you for listening. Patty

  7. gulcin said

    i would l?ke to buy amigurumi eyes where can i buy them can you help me ??tahnk you

  8. gulcin said

    hello i would liek to buy amigurumi eyes where can i buy them can u help me please… i live in ?stanbul/Turkey

  9. Connie Dvorscak said

    Hello June.. just to let you know your package arrived in yesterday

  10. Sanae said

    Hi, June.
    I just found your crochet crafts as I googled.
    I was surprised to see the term “amigurumi,” a Japanese word.
    The word has been adopted to English?
    That is fun.

  11. Jessica F said

    June-your instructions and tutorials are hands down the best out there. They’re detailed, clear, and well photographed. Thank you-you don’t know how much your blog has improved my crochet!

  12. Jeannine said

    Do you take the pictures that are posted on your Website?
    If so, which camera do you use?
    I have designed a crochet project that I would like to sell online, and I need to buy a camera to take pictures, and perhaps make a how-to video. Choosing a camera is proving to be perplexing, and I was hoping that perhaps you make a recommendation to me.
    Thanks very much, June.

    • June said

      Sorry, Jeannine, I don’t think I can really help you with a recommendation… I have 2 cameras: one has a very long zoom because I bought it primarily to take wildlife photos, so that’s not really what you’re looking for, and the other is a big DSLR that I bought to take the professional-quality photos I needed for my book, so that’s a lot more than you’d need too! I’d suggest you go into a camera shop, explain what sort of photos (and video) you’d like to take, and see what they advise. You don’t need an expensive camera to take good photos to use online; a tripod and good lighting* are actually more important.

      *By good lighting, I don’t mean you have to buy lights – if you have good natural light available, that’s just as good or maybe even better!

      • Jeannine said

        June, Thank you! Jeannine

  13. Amy June Ferguson said

    Hello! I came across your blog while surfing around the web and it sure is delightful ! My Grandmothers name is June and because of her, part of my name is June too. I am a beginner and after I finish my second project I am going to try your sweater scarf design.
    Thank you so much.
    Much affection
    Amy June

  14. Colleen said

    I absolutely love the giant sea turtle you made! I wanted to buy the pattern for it but I’m pretty sure the pattern you have listed is for the baby one. Would you sell me the pattern for the baby with size adjustments for the mommy turtle? <3

    • June said

      Colleen, please see my giant sea turtle blog post – it details the only changes (yarn and hook size) I made from my standard sea turtle pattern, so you can also make a giant one from my pattern if you wish.

  15. Trystan said

    i think your patterns are great and i love them…and i’m just a beginner!

    i did purchase your Gift Box patterns, and i had a question… is is ok to send you an email with pictures, or post it here?


    • June said

      Please email me with any questions 🙂

      • trystan said

        i emailed you yesterday, thanks! =) (hopefully it didn’t go in your spam)

  16. June, thanks for the great iCord video…love how the cord looks. I will use it on my kindle klutches i am crocheting this week!

    Congrats on your success with authoring books…yeah!

    A p.s. to pat moses-caudel’s comment…”Pat, do you have a website with more of your silver wire crochet?” I love your work!

    Debra 🙂

  17. Karen said

    My husband can’t tell a Great Dane from a Pomeranian (in yarn or in fur), but as someone who knows dogs, I think you’ve done a great job distinguishing the breeds. They’re all instantly identifiable, (to me anyway). I hope I can replicate them as well. Looking forward to my first Husky attempt. Also looking forward to seeing your interpretation of an American Cocker Spaniel.

    I like your fluffy Amis too, I think you’re the only one I’ve seen try that. I haven’t quite mastered crochet with all that fluff in the way, but one of these days I’ll buy and try your fluffy bunny.


  18. Jany said

    Hello June,
    Congratulations!!!!!!, All of your amigurumi make a difference, They are so cute
    I love it
    I’d like to try with one of your free amigurmi pattern,
    Thank you
    Best regards,

  19. Andrine Nichols said

    Do you sell the Discworld Pattern? My daughter, a Terry Pratchett fanatic, shared your article on facebook. All my kids are discworld fanatics so I’d love to make it for them.

  20. Allison Fink said

    I cannot shop on your site. I get an error message that the site cannot connect to PayPal.
    Thank you, Alllison

    • June said

      Allison, I’m very sorry you’re experiencing difficulties. I’ve confirmed that it’s due to a problem with PayPal that began about an hour ago, and they are currently “working to resolve” it. I hope it will be fixed very shortly!

  21. Laura said

    Hi, I’m Laura from Lithuania, I wan buy from your mini dog 🙂 What is dilivery price in Lithuania?

    • June said

      Hi Laura, I sell the crochet patterns for all my dogs. You can buy the patterns from my shop and download them as PDF files, so there’s no delivery charge 🙂

  22. Jessica N. said

    What great talent you have! You are so crafty. Thanks for sharing your creations and offering wonderful inspiration to others.

  23. Elizabeth said

    Your patterns are amazing. What a gift you have!

  24. Marianne said

    Hi –

    I tried to send a donation on Paypal for the Daffodil Pattern , and when I signed in to paypal they wanted your Email address which I did
    not have .I put your web address but they would not accept it.So I am
    stumped. Marianne

  25. guy m s said said


  26. The BEST amigurumi website I have found. Your creatures are brilliant!
    Well done.

  27. Hope said

    I’ve bought some of your patterns and they are great!! They easy and really fun to do.And they make great gifts!!! Thanks so much for all your hard work!! ^_^

  28. En Ting from Singapore said

    i love your works! and your cat. you make really cute animals! why don’t you bring you business over to singapore? i bet lots of people would die for your patterns!

  29. Michelle said

    Your little animals are the cuttest little things!
    I was wondering if you sold premade animals? Because I don’t really know how to crochet but I would really like one of them :]

  30. Terry Sargente said

    Your crochet patterns are the cutest i’ve seen. I am asking for a gift certificate for christmas.

  31. Tracy said

    Thanks a lot! Your accorn pattern is so cute, I’ve made one. It’s not cute like yours because I don’t have professional eyes, but it’s still cute with me! I’ll post the image when I can!

  32. Tracy (from vietnam) said

    look at that cat, what a cutie! i love your crafts, i’m a beginner of amigurumi. i’m still praticing knight with my mom. thanks for you GREAT tutorial. i think yours is the BEST tutorial i ever seen!

  33. Sandy said

    Wow…after many tries, and visits to other websites, your Magic Ring crochet tutorial was actually the only source that helped me complete my first flower! The use of the soft pink yarn really aided me visually. 🙂
    Thank you!

  34. Sabrina said

    Your patterns are great!! I was afraid your page had disappeared!!! I wanted to order the ferret pattern. Glad to see you are back!

  35. ok, i am blown away. you are making me want to acutally use YARN with my hooks, in stead of the sterling silver wire i now use. you have some fantastic patterns and i’m really impressed with your baby animals. i put you on my toolbar….i don’t want to lose you. if you ever get the urge to do wire crochet, you will need no help from me, but give me a shout, we can play. come by at to see stuff… some with less great pic’s and inaccurate counter cause i hit 100,000 so it started over, at

    thanks for a great page

  36. i think your fuzzy animals are just the cutest things i’ve seen 🙂

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Please note that I can only answer questions related to PlanetJune patterns and tutorials (see details), and I can only respond to questions or comments written in English. Thank you :) - June

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    June Gilbank

    Hi, I'm June. Welcome to my world of nature-inspired crochet and crafting. I hope you enjoy your visit!

    If you'd like to get in touch, you can contact me here.
    crocheted Canadian flag by PlanetJune
    Proudly made in Canada!
    A fanned-out pile of the books Everyday Crochet and The Essential Guide to Amigurumi, with text 'The answers to all your crochet questions at your fingertips - find out more'

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