PlanetJune Craft Blog
Latest news and updates from June


I’m always happy to hear from you with comments or suggestions – thank you so much for your messages!

This is the fastest way to receive my help with your question:

  • If you have crochet questions, please visit my Crochet Tutorials page for help.
  • If you have any other questions for me, please check the FAQ first to see if I’ve already answered them there.
  • If you still have questions about PlanetJune patterns or tutorials, or anything else you’d like to say to me, please e-mail me.

Please note that, as much as I’d love to help with every question I receive, I’m swamped with email and simply don’t have the time to offer free help with general crochet questions, or questions about patterns from other designers. If your question doesn’t relate to a PlanetJune pattern or tutorial, I suggest you:

  • Approach the pattern designer for help (for a specific pattern)
  • Try asking in an appropriate crochet-themed group on Ravelry (for general crochet questions)

You can usually expect a reply to your PlanetJune-related question within a week of your enquiry – or much sooner if it’s a direct customer support request (although please bear in mind that I don’t work on weekends unless it’s a real emergency). If you haven’t heard back from me in 2 weeks, please feel free to send me a follow-up email in case your question has slipped through the cracks – thank you!

E-mail me:

Note: Please don’t leave your questions as a comment on this page, unless you particularly want the whole world to read it. If you email me, I’ll email you back if I can help (see above); if you leave a blog comment, I reply via the blog, so you’ll have to check back to see when I’ve replied.

Postal Address

If you’d like to send me some mail the old-fashioned way, here’s my address:

June Gilbank
PO Box 99900 RC 276 573
RPO Ira Needles
Waterloo ON N2T 0B8

If you’d like a reply, please include your email address, or a dollar for a stamp if you need me to reply by post.

Note: If you’re sending any payments by mail, please note that any checks/cheques or money order should be made out to ‘June Gilbank’, not to ‘PlanetJune’!

Social Media

I’m @planetjune everywhere on social media and I’d love it if you tag me whenever you post a photo of something you’ve made from one of my patterns, so I can see it and comment! See the links to all my socials in the footer (at the very bottom of this page).

Note: please contact me by email rather than social media if you need pattern support.


I don’t speak any languages other than English well enough to converse in them, so I can only respond to questions or emails written in English. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but I can’t help you if I don’t understand you. (And if you don’t know English well enough to ask your question in my language, you wouldn’t understand my response anyway!)




  2. Sheila said

    Love your new book. The pictures with colour are easier to follow.

  3. Louise said

    Greetings pleasant day. At nine years I started crochet.Iam 65 love crochet
    I will like some chair back pineapple patterns please. Great connecting with you. Please day be safe

  4. Margaret said

    Just wanted to say thank you f0r your amazing work! My mom LOVES pine cones for some reason, and your design was the most realistic I could find. I am SO happy with my pattern purchase, your instructions are very clear and the finished product is just lovely. I also appreciated that you included directions on how to modify the shape/size. I will absolutely be buying from you again. Thank you so much for having so many unusual options!


  5. Carolina said

    How do I acces the pattern i bought? I bought it on Etsy. Will I receive it by email?

    • June said

      Hi Carolina, you’ll be able to download your patterns from once I’ve processed your order. I don’t sell my patterns through Etsy downloads, as I don’t sell just PDF copies of crochet patterns as other Etsy sellers do, I sell perpetual single-user licences for my patterns, which give you far more! All pattern licences are processed through the PlanetJune shop, and they offer you all of my licencing perks (including unlimited downloads, free updates, customer support whenever you need it, etc – see the item listing description for details).

      I process Etsy orders once a day, issue the pattern licences, and email the download instructions to my customers. Etsy should email you to say your order is complete once I’ve done that, so look out for an email from me with your download instructions at that time! If you choose to buy directly from PlanetJune you can skip this step in future and download your patterns immediately, as licences are processed automatically when you shop directly 🙂

  6. Donna Blee said

    I would gladly give you a donation for the printable pdf file but I don’t want to join anything or go through PayPal. Would prefer to check out as a guest with my credit card. Any suggestions?

    • June said

      Hi Donna, you do need a PlanetJune account so you have access to your purchases, but creating an account will not subscribe you to my mailing list or send you anything you don’t specifically request. All you’ll receive is your account creation welcome email and an order confirmation receipt for each order you place – you won’t be joining anything!

      You don’t need to go through PayPal; once you’ve created your account you can check out using Stripe (direct credit card payment) and then download your PDF immediately after paying. And, if you don’t want to use your PlanetJune account again, just ignore it and you’ll never hear from my shop again!

  7. Irina said

    just made a donation to get a PATERN for the hearts, which is promised in return, however, received the same DESCRIPTION as on the website, but in PDF. Must be a misunderstanding, as I expected a pattern as in a picture form, which i find easier to read. Never mind, just making sure no one else falls into it.
    Otherwise, very nice projects 🙂

    • June said

      Irina, I’m so sorry for the confusion. The PDF versions of my donationware patterns are nicely formatted, easy to print and save, versions of my free online patterns. Any bonus content included in the PDF is explained in the listing description.

      To help you in future, the phrase ‘crochet pattern’ typically indicates a written pattern. It sounds like you were looking for the pattern in symbol form instead? If so, look out for keywords like ‘chart’, ‘stitch diagram’, ‘charted stitch diagram’, or ‘crochet stitch diagram’ before you purchase – those would indicate that the pattern includes a symbol diagram.

  8. nancy neymark said

    you have very clear photos about YO and YU in crochet. thanks for having your website. it helps even an experienced crocheter like me.

  9. Roberta said

    Hi June:

    After not practicing my crafts, crochet especially, I was very rusty to say the least. As fortune would have it, I found your web-site and want to thank you very much for the clear and explicit instructions which has guided me through my first crochet project in 8 years. Thank you again.

    • Hevelyn said

      Eu amei a receita da tartaruga.
      Muito obrigada❤:kissing_heart:

  10. Ruby Gallagher said

    Dear June, One time, I flew 15feet and bounced on my head on a pavement. Head injuries are not fun. I’m very sorry you’ve been injured. I want you to know that it can get better, and my brain therapist had me crochet to get the neurons and synapses holding hands again. (I became adept at crocheting nunchucks!) Drink water and take lots of naps… sleep time is when all that magic healing happens. I will light you a little candle. All the best. ~Ruby

  11. David Grindel said

    Hi June,
    Hope all is well with you. I started the Baby Turtles but a confused about the ch1 after the Magic Circle. The MC has a ch1 so are the two ch1 ? Does it matter ?
    Thanks much,

    • June said

      Dave, the magic ring is *just* the loop of yarn; your pattern will tell you how many chains to make. The ring needs *at least* one chain to keep it closed, but some patterns may have ch 2 or ch 3 (if they will be working a taller stitch than sc into the ring, for example).

      So, to answer your question, no, there are not two ‘ch 1’s!

  12. Deborah said

    I’ve been trying to log in on my phone and it seems there is no way to do that. I click on the login button and nothing happens, there is no place to log in. I went to other pages and clicked on the login button and it took me back to the original log in page where I couldn’t log in. Please help!

  13. Marny Benedict said

    Dear June,
    I came to your site in a round about way, one link leading to another sort of thing, and I am happy I found it.
    You hooked me, if you’ll pardon the old pun, with your tutorial on making a basic crochet cord. It’s an easy thing to do, yes, but your video tutorial is among the best I’ve seen. Straight-forward, clear instruction and outstanding visual display.
    I then downloaded a pattern and found the PDF to be just as clear and easy to follow.
    I look forward to many happy projects. Thank you for making these available.
    Marny Benedict

  14. Connie fair said

    I ordered from you today on Etsy # 1638185640. I would like to know when I will receive the download.

    • June said

      Hi Connie, I aim to process Etsy orders and issue the pattern licences once a day, so if you ordered yesterday, you should receive my email with your download instructions when I process the latest batch of Etsy orders today. In future, if you order directly from PlanetJune instead, your licences will be issued automatically and you can download your patterns immediately!

  15. good morning how much is NZ price for the cat 6.50 UA.
    how much for nz thank

    • June said

      Leonie, depending on whether you pay by Stripe or PayPal, either your credit card or PayPal will make the conversion at their current rate. You can get an approximation using an online currency converter (here’s one as an example) but do remember that your credit card or PayPal will usually add about a 2-2.5% fee to any shopping in another currency, so it’ll cost you slightly more than the number you see on the converter.

  16. Pamela McPherson said

    Dear June:

    I found your website quite by accident yesterday morning as I was desperately working on Valentine’s gifts for my grandchildren for our party this afternoon.

    As it happened, I was having trouble with a technique for another amigurumi gift for one of my granddaughters (embroidering facial features) and found one of your YouTube tutorials. I was so impressed with the instruction (you were demonstrating on a baby bunny) that I clicked onto your website to browse your bunny patterns. You see, 3 of my grandchildren have a pet rabbit named Kevin, and I was trying to find just the right bunny pattern to make for my youngest grandson as his Valentine’s gift for today.

    His gift was the last one to finish because I just could not find the right pattern to ‘match’ the appearance of Kevin. AND Lo and behold – I found the Baby Bunnies 1 & 2 pattern which was perfect! I made the Blaze Bunny using sock yarn that matched the browns/blacks ombre of dear Kevin, and it turned out incredibly adorable!

    Thank you so much for being so thorough in your instructions because I was down to the wire on this project. It’s as though you anticipate any question that a user might ask before the user asks it. Very user friendly indeed and I really needed that help. I have rediscovered crochet in the last few months, having learned and lost interest in granny squares in the late 60’s so I am rather in need of help in learning what’s new out there in the world of crochet – there’s a great more deal of exciting things besides granny squares thank goodness.

    I have now completed all my 6 grandchild projects for our party this afternoon and can’t wait for everyone to see this precious bunny. I know all the kids will want a “Kevin!” I now know where to go for excellent patterns and beautiful designs – and believe me, as a knitter, crocheter, seamstress, and fine artist, I am always on the prowl for ideas, information, and projects to make for my family, friends and home. You are a rare combination of being an excellent designer, an excellent teacher, and an excellent website communicator. I’ll be haunting your website for sure! Thanks for your help and your terrific website!

    Happy Valentine’s Day!

    Pamela McPherson

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Please note that I can only answer questions related to PlanetJune patterns and tutorials (see details), and I can only respond to questions or comments written in English. Thank you :) - June

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