PlanetJune Craft Blog
Latest news and updates from June

4th blogiversary + contest

Don’t forget to enter the contests at the end of this post!

Year 4 Review

The PlanetJune craft blog will be 4 years old tomorrow. It’s hard to believe it; every year has flashed past so quickly! So what exactly have I been doing with myself for the past year? I’ve:

That last item was the biggie that’s occupied most of my time since last summer; writing a 200-page book is no easy task. But it’s finally finished and I can’t wait to be able to see the finished book when it’s released in October!

Tiny Acorns…

I thought I’d take a step back and return to the first post I ever published on this blog (reproduced here in its entirety):

first post at planetjune
The tiny acorn that became PlanetJune…

When I started PlanetJune, I had a small goal – to inspire creativity by keeping track of my crafts on the blog. From that one small goal I’ve:

  • Met the most amazing and inspirational creative people
  • Developed the confidence to start designing patterns
  • Become an artist and a teacher
  • Written and illustrated my first book (with a second book on the way)

…and, in only four years, turned a little crafty hobby into my full-time occupation – something I would never have dreamed could occur when I first set out on this journey. They say to dream big, but dreaming small and having the reality exceed your wildest expectations is pretty special too!

Where Next?

That’s not to say I’m at the point I’d like to be with my business and my creative career. My goal for the coming year is to build my business to the point where I no longer have that niggling feeling that I should really go and get myself a ‘real’ job – a feeling that comes down to the grim reality of earning enough money to continue to support myself. I’m paying my own way at the moment, but I’m far from earning the salary I used to make pre-self-employment. And that’s okay: I’ve changed my lifestyle too; I no longer buy clothes I don’t need or DVDs I’ll never watch. I don’t have any expensive hobbies, and my craft purchases are all business expenses! I do what I love, and I love what I do.

But, to continue to succeed I need to grow and expand the business. I wish I had a crystal ball: I have a lot of exciting ideas, and it’s hard to know where I should invest my time. It’ll be interesting to see where I am by my 5th blogiversary!


You, my readers, have given me so much support and encouragement along this journey so far, and so I’d like to give something back! I’m running 2 contests:

  1. Win any single pattern (your choice) from my store. (FYI, each PocketAmi set counts as one pattern.)
  2. Win one of my exclusive Detail Stuffing Tools – a must-have for stuffing amigurumi or small plush toys!Detail Stuffing Tool by planetjune

To enter, leave me a comment on this post, including:

  1. Your choice of prize – type TOOL or PATTERN
  2. Tell me something, e.g. a suggestion for a future design, something you’d like to see on PlanetJune, or a suggestion for how to take my business to the next level. Anything goes – I just want to hear from you!

If you want to enter both contests, just leave me 2 comments!

On Friday 18th June at 5pm EST, I will draw one name from each set of TOOL comments, and one from each set of PATTERN comments. (In the unlikely event that the same person ‘wins’ both, I’ll contact them to see which prize they would prefer, and then draw another name for the other contest winner). Good luck!


  1. Michal said

    PATTERN – I love your work! It was wonderful to read about how it became from a hobby to your main business – I’m so happy for you!!
    I think it would be interesting to see some “human” figures from you – maybe a doll or a fairy. Good luck in the future!!

  2. Resmi said

    Hi June,

    Just wanted to congratulate you for taking your blog and crafts ahead so well all these years. Wishing you all the very best for the coming years as well.


  3. Shannin said

    I’ve definitely been wanting a stuffing tool!

    Your website is fantastic… I especially love your amigurumi help section page. It’s the most helpful reference I’ve been to! I remember searching long and hard for tutorials on connecting pieces on amigurumi, but never found a clear one. Most just said it’s “personal preference”. -_- Anyway! I guess I would like to see more patterns! Never can have enough. 🙂

  4. Nikki said

    Pattern…Love your crafts! 🙂

  5. laura lok said

    4 years congrats!!!!! I have only a few months ago found your blog and love it. I would love to see more animals I guess they are my favorites.

  6. melissa said

    hi june!
    i just love all of your work and your yearly recaps are so inspiring and wonderful.
    i love not only how much you share with the world, but how you share it too.
    you are so articulate and clear.

    thank you for the generous contest! i would love to enter the drawing for the stuffing tool.

    have a wonderful day!

    🙂 melissa

  7. Janna said

    Man, I love this blog (I’m a new convert). Your tutorials have been so invaluable to me! I’m just getting into amigurumi but I love the fact that you do other crafts too. I would love one of those stuffing tools.

    I don’t know how this is an idea, but I’d love it if I could find someplace to commision patterns. I don’t want to buy the premade thing, I want to do it myself…but I don’t have the abilities to design patterns (yet?) Anyway, congrats on four years!

  8. Jlee486 said

    Hey June! First of all – you have the same name as my sister. Second, I actually learned that I was crocheting the WRONG way thanks to your site so kudos! Your “back loops only” instructions confused me so badly because that’s how I had been crocheting all along. Yep, I felt pretty stupid.

    I would like to enter the contest for the free PATTERN please, as I am horribly broke and tired of racking my brains to figure out how you managed your shapes/patterns. (I have no natural talent or creativity it is very difficult haha)

    I suggest that you publish an english version amigurumi pattern book – perhaps similar to ami ami dogs – with YOUR dog patterns or just a book of patterns in general specifically for animals or holiday or some such theme. Personally, I would like to see how you would come up with patterns for these specific dog breeds: the maltese, the cavalier king charles and the shih tzu. I think you should also consider cats, dolls (floppy ones maybe or rag dollish or small cute ones like cookie cutter dolls you can dress up), gingerbread cookies, fairies, unicorns, phoenixes, dragons, wizards and similar magical creatures. I always love food patterns and characters such as snoopy and strawberry shortcake and her cat custard and her dog pupcake. I would also like to see a pattern for poppy flowers and peonies. I think you can also tackle things such as masks – like domino masks, venetian masks, zorro or wigs and things like that even maybe a pirate patch – might sound a bit simple but not to me – not really like hats but more costumey and creative. And of course, publish any book you can with the patterns you come up with. I might not be able to purchase any yet but maybe I could take them out of the library 😉

    Happy Blogging and Happy Blog Anniversary! Well done! I am a huge fan & I absolutely love your work. Good luck for the future and I will be here crossing my fingers that I win 😀

    • Jlee486 said

      Oh oh! and maybe wands, tiaras and monkeys – simple curious george looking ones with your own twist.

      • Jlee486 said

        Oh one more! Crochet body parts (brains, hearts, kidneys, etc.) and medical supplies Dr. & Nurse. Realistic or Halloween style. There was that knitted brain that some Dr.’s knitted to be anatomically correct that went into a museum.

  9. Sarah said

    I love your blog! I always thought crochet was boring until I saw how cute your patterns are. I’d like to be entered to win a pattern.

  10. I’d love to win a pattern! And as I mentioned on Facebook a Chinese Crested AmiDog would be perfect! Oh, and a camel and a hedgehog, too 😀

  11. Astaryth said

    Pattern! And what to do? I would love to see a corgi in tri-color and, of course, Dragons!

  12. Colleen said

    Hi June – also more sea animals would be nice to see too. I love the sea turtle pattern and little whale. sharks, rays would be nice. Thanks.

  13. Colleen said

    Hi – I love your patterns – especially the dogs. I would say you could add some fantasy and/or fairytale designs.
    Thanks! Congrats on your 4th yr. anniversary.

  14. Naomi said

    PATTERN. A while back I believe you mentioned possibly making a dragon pattern. I just wanted to assure you that this is an absolutely excellent idea and I hope you follow up on it.

  15. tomae said

    I have wanted to learn to crochet for a while now & when I saw all the Amigurumi out there, I tried in ernest. Your photos on your how to’s opened my eyes to the loops the hook is to go through. I am now a very happy crocheter.

    Keep up the good work! I would love a pattern… your Christmas trees are intriguing!

  16. Mack said

    I have to comment once more because you are just too amazing June! 🙂 I love your wbsite and patterns and everything and I wish you all the best for your 5th year!! Also, please enter me for the stuffing tool as well. Thank you sooo much and keep blogging!! 🙂

  17. Mack said

    Congratulations on your 4th blogiversary!! You have done such an amazing job with your crafts! I think that cats would be a great addition to your pattern collection and I like the idea of more mythical creatures. Please enter me in the contest for a pattern. Thanks and congratulations again!

  18. Aveen said

    Happy blog birthday! Your blog shares the same birthday as my dad, he’s 75 today and he’s fab. I guess people and blogs whose birthday is 12 June are all awesome 😀

    I also want to say thanks again for the invisible decrease tutorial. There are so many interesting and helpful things on your blog but this one is my absolute favourite and I use it all the time.

    (If I win I’d love a pattern!)


  19. Hi June

    I would love to win the paint set because that would be a great gift to make for my art tutor and other arty friends. I can just imagine them as keyrings!

    I saw some fab ideas at the Patchings art and craft festival yesterday (Nottingham, UK) and wondered if you could make some musical items? A treble clef, notes on a piano, piano keys belt? Something along those lines would be fantastic.

    Thank you :o)

  20. SparklyShiny said

    You’ve had a very busy year! Your website is so easy to navigate and your patterns are truly amazing (I’m getting spoiled with your well-written directions). I can’t wait to see what you come up with next – love the idea of a dragon, and I keep looking for a realistic parrot pattern.

    I definitely want one of your stuffing tools – after the experience of Chihuahua leg (before your tool was available), I know that I need to add one to my tool kit.

  21. Carol said

    I love your yeti and bigfoot, but they

  22. karen c. said

    I’d love to win your sea turtle pattern. It’s so cute!

    My idea for new patterns/new direction would be trains and cars. I’d love to crochet some cute little boy toys. 🙂

  23. Sherri said

    Dolls in different national dress (eg Malay, Indian, Mexican…) would be attractive.

    I like to have one of your pattern.

  24. Sherri said

    You have different species of dogs, how about making different species of cats as well?

    I like to have the stuffing tool.

  25. Crystal said

    I love your dog patterns and would be interested in seeing long-haired dog breeds. I don’t know if it would even be possible to make them and have them look as realistic as your other dog patterns, but it would be interesting to see. I’d like to be entered into the drawing for a pattern. 🙂

  26. Hi June! I love the sea lion pattern. I think I would like to see a buddha ami. could be fun?

  27. Stacey Trock said

    Congrats on your blogiversery… and your upcoming book! That’s so exciting!

  28. dh said

    I suggest a realistic cat pattern. I have searched the world over to but can only find cartoony cats. Thanks!

  29. becky said

    Pattern– I already have the stuffing tool and love it. I concur with a previous post on the sunflower, or a rose, or anything more flowery 🙂 I love nature, or how about some more fantasy creatures, a dragon, a phoenix (I would love a phoenix)

    I just wanted to tell you that you are an inspiration and your success is amazing you did soo much and changed crochet in four years. Your patterns and tutorials have made the harder aspects of crocheting so simple and easy that anybody can buy one of your patterns and feel great about completing it with ease. I am in awe and can only dream of doing what you do.

    best regards and thank you for four years of crafting, crocheting, and tutorials.


  30. Pahavit said

    I’d love a pattern, if I win. And I’d love to see a new pattern for a snail. I keep snails as pets, and they are really fascinating creatures.

  31. Lynne said

    I would love to give the stuffing tool a try. You’re right stuffing isn’t very easy. As for a pattern I’d love to see you create… it would be something for Valentine’s day. I was looking for a big stuffed heart and the several I saw done made me think… June could have shaped this better.

  32. Ashley said

    Happy Blogiversary! If I won I’d love the pug pattern! super cute =D I’d love to see cat patterns too.

  33. maggie keith said

    PATTERN i would be very interested in your interpretation of the alice in wonderland characters…especially the mad hatter and march hare. (both of my entry/posts) are pertaining to crochet and amigurumi, i failed to add that on my prior post!)

  34. maggie keith said

    TOOL i would love to see more teri pratchett characters, like the grouchy cat, your vision is amazing!!!

  35. leralei said

    I would love a pattern. My suggestion is really simple. I think it would be pretty cool if you adapted patterns like the elephant and farmyard pig and gave them tusks. (Maybe make them a little larger too.) Then, using brushed crochet, you could turn the elephant into a woolly mammoth and the pig into a boar!

  36. camelama said

    Pattern! I also like the idea of plant patterns. And an extended line of farm animals! How about *sleeping* versions of some of the animals? 🙂

  37. T said

    I’m so excited for your Fourth Blogiversary!

    Many many congratulations, you’ve certainly earned all of the kudos and adulation that comes your way.

    I wish you every success and plaudits for the years to come!

  38. Teresa p said


    Congrats June! I’d like to know if you’ve given up papercrafting completely 🙂 I miss it. I do love the amigurumi, though I have yet to make one myself yet. Got to learn to crochet first. Soon.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

    • June said

      Teresa, thanks! No, I haven’t given up papercrafting completely – it’s just that now my crafting is my job, I have to prioritize the things that can earn me money, and (apart from my paper chains book) I haven’t found a way to make money from papercrafting – yet!

  39. Brinn said

    Oh June, I love your blog and your patterns. : ) I love how you manage to capture such realism in yarn! I’m entering the PATTERN contest (I’d love the pattern for the triceratops!) and I would love to see more dinosaurs. Like a pterodactyl or some such. Keep up the great work!

  40. Caroline said

    Pattern-I second the motion for a good sunflower!

  41. Vicki said

    Your blog is amazing! I love all of your patterns!! I think some additions to the farm series would be fun – goat, chicken, horse, sheep, etc…Thanks for all you do for all of us crafters! I would like to be entered into the pattern contest 🙂

  42. Sister Diane said

    Happy Blogiversary, June! You accomplished so much last year. We’re all navigating these choppy business waters, and I know your talents and hard work will pay off. No need to enter me in the drawing – I just wanted to pass on my congrats and cheers.

  43. Kara A. said

    I would love to win a pattern! Something different you could try would be stuffed flowers- different kinds/designs.

    Thanks and congrats!

  44. Congratulations on 4 great years of blogging, June. And especially on the last year. 🙂 You have accomplished a lot and inspired many, many people.

    I’d love to see you branch out into fantasy designs: a dragon, a unicorn, a mermaid, a phoenix, etc.

    Please enter me into the draw for a pattern. Thank you.

  45. Laura said

    I would love the tool for my letter stuffing.

    I would like to see more plants from you. I know that I have a few friends with “black thumbs” (as opposed to green ones) that I would love to give a plant that they could enjoy without worrying about killing it.

  46. Pattern – I love your work. I think sunflowers would be a great addition.

  47. Mia said

    If I win, I’d love another pattern of yours, and as for suggestions…
    More animals! Orangutang, chimp, various rodents from around the world, opossum, realistic-like horse… um, and any other weird or exotic creatures that are out there!!!

  48. I love your creations, marvelous. I

  49. futuregirl said

    You are a rockstar, June! I wish you all the best for the coming year! (not entering the contest … just wanted to send good wishes!)

  50. Michelle said

    I’d love to win the stuffing tool and… I’d like to see patterns for endangered animals – particularly the marmont 😀

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