PlanetJune Craft Blog
Latest news and updates from June

4th blogiversary + contest

Don’t forget to enter the contests at the end of this post!

Year 4 Review

The PlanetJune craft blog will be 4 years old tomorrow. It’s hard to believe it; every year has flashed past so quickly! So what exactly have I been doing with myself for the past year? I’ve:

That last item was the biggie that’s occupied most of my time since last summer; writing a 200-page book is no easy task. But it’s finally finished and I can’t wait to be able to see the finished book when it’s released in October!

Tiny Acorns…

I thought I’d take a step back and return to the first post I ever published on this blog (reproduced here in its entirety):

first post at planetjune
The tiny acorn that became PlanetJune…

When I started PlanetJune, I had a small goal – to inspire creativity by keeping track of my crafts on the blog. From that one small goal I’ve:

  • Met the most amazing and inspirational creative people
  • Developed the confidence to start designing patterns
  • Become an artist and a teacher
  • Written and illustrated my first book (with a second book on the way)

…and, in only four years, turned a little crafty hobby into my full-time occupation – something I would never have dreamed could occur when I first set out on this journey. They say to dream big, but dreaming small and having the reality exceed your wildest expectations is pretty special too!

Where Next?

That’s not to say I’m at the point I’d like to be with my business and my creative career. My goal for the coming year is to build my business to the point where I no longer have that niggling feeling that I should really go and get myself a ‘real’ job – a feeling that comes down to the grim reality of earning enough money to continue to support myself. I’m paying my own way at the moment, but I’m far from earning the salary I used to make pre-self-employment. And that’s okay: I’ve changed my lifestyle too; I no longer buy clothes I don’t need or DVDs I’ll never watch. I don’t have any expensive hobbies, and my craft purchases are all business expenses! I do what I love, and I love what I do.

But, to continue to succeed I need to grow and expand the business. I wish I had a crystal ball: I have a lot of exciting ideas, and it’s hard to know where I should invest my time. It’ll be interesting to see where I am by my 5th blogiversary!


You, my readers, have given me so much support and encouragement along this journey so far, and so I’d like to give something back! I’m running 2 contests:

  1. Win any single pattern (your choice) from my store. (FYI, each PocketAmi set counts as one pattern.)
  2. Win one of my exclusive Detail Stuffing Tools – a must-have for stuffing amigurumi or small plush toys!Detail Stuffing Tool by planetjune

To enter, leave me a comment on this post, including:

  1. Your choice of prize – type TOOL or PATTERN
  2. Tell me something, e.g. a suggestion for a future design, something you’d like to see on PlanetJune, or a suggestion for how to take my business to the next level. Anything goes – I just want to hear from you!

If you want to enter both contests, just leave me 2 comments!

On Friday 18th June at 5pm EST, I will draw one name from each set of TOOL comments, and one from each set of PATTERN comments. (In the unlikely event that the same person ‘wins’ both, I’ll contact them to see which prize they would prefer, and then draw another name for the other contest winner). Good luck!


  1. beckashell said

    CONGRATULATIONS! I love reading your blog and can’t believe that it’s been going for so long.

    I’d like to enter the pattern comp. THANKS!

  2. Becky Glinka said

    I’d like to enter the TOOL contest please!

    Congrats on 4 (ZOMG FOUR?!) years!!! I’d love to see more cute crochet patterns, but I also love to see your personal crochet projects. I would particularly love to see an adorable baby fawn pattern. Thanks much!

  3. Danny Salyer said

    I would like a free Pattern, I already have the Stuffing Tools.
    I would love to see a Pattern for Lop Rabbits. They could be in all kinds of solid colors as well as spotted. You could have Mini Lops, the large French Lops and the Long Eared English Lops. Hey, I might have to develop that pattern myself.

  4. Sarah K. =) said

    I came across your blog sometime during this past year and have enjoyed reading all your “old” posts. Thanks for all your helpful (and free!) tutorials, especially the discussion about the inside and the outside of an in-the-round amigurumi piece.

    I would love to win a pattern, and I would also love to see a pattern for a Turkish angora. I know others have commented about cat patterns as well, and I also don’t know how easy/difficult it would be to design patterns for specific breeds of cats (as compared to dogs), but that is what I would love. =)

    Thanks for everything!! =)

  5. Sharon Warrix said

    June, you have been blessed with such great talent. I love your patterns. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. May you continue to be so blessed.

  6. Sarah L. said

    Tool contest, please 🙂

    I think you’ve pretty well nailed animals (keep it up, BTW). I’d like to see you branch out into more not-found-in-nature creatures!

  7. Christy said

    Hi June –

    Please enter me in the contest for the tool.

    When I first learned about amigurumi through a search online, I found your site. I still have the pages I printed out (back in Feb 2008) from your tutorials. You taught me the Magic Ring, How to Join Pieces, How to Change Colors, and All about Eyes. Your photos and explanations were such an encouragement to me. You taught me the basics and I still refer back to your pages for help. I have continuted to crochet – most amigurumi – and mostly as gifts for others. Thank You! You are a true teacher and artist.

    I love how your patterns are so realistic. Keep up the great work!

    The only suggestion I can think of is that you could add instructional videos to your webiste.

  8. Sam said

    I love your patterns. If I win a free one, I will definitely buy more in the future.

  9. LeLenee said

    How about doing a crochet horse amigurumi. My daughter loves horses.

  10. Heather Duffin said

    Oh, and I’d love a pattern, for the contest, LOL

    Yes, hanging plant patterns would be awesome too!
    and I’d LOVE to see a land tortoise pattern, such as a desert tortoise

  11. Heather Duffin said

    Nothing but high fives and thumbs up for my “friend” June, hee hee hee.
    You are such a talented individual and better yet, a great, humbling person for sharing this talent with everyone, so that they can create and feel good about themselves while doing so!!
    Thank you June for what you do 🙂
    You are an inspiration to me and I truly am thankful for having found you!
    ~Heather Duffin

  12. Kirsty said

    1. I’d like the stuffing tool please!

    2. Ideas for your business – I have to agree with some others and say that some realistic cat patterns would be awesome! Basically I think that ever-increasing your pattern repertoire will only help your business in the future. I’d also really like to see a good bat pattern!

    Congratulations on your 4 years of blogging!

    • June said

      Kirsty, I hope you said you’d like to see a ‘good bat pattern’ because you haven’t seen my Fruit Bat pattern, not because you think it’s a bad bat pattern! 😀

  13. CJ LaRoe said

    Congratulations on 4 years!

    For patterns, I would like to see more plants (preferably the kind in little pots, I love your bamboo & violets; and am nigh-dying for you to make an ivy, a Christmas cactus, or some hanging basket types, such as a wandering jew) and I would like to see you expand your “farmyard series”, making some more companions for the pretty pigs. Or maybe develop patterns for a couple of dolls and a clothing line for them.

    To expand business otherwise, you could put affiliate links on your site to yarn companies, or other businesses (such as I know you could also do well by making up stock of some of your amigurumi and selling those, but it would be time consuming for you.

    If drawn as a winner I would be most thankful to have your Fuzzy Guinea Pig pattern (please & thank you).

    Best of luck with the contest, I hope you get lots of great ideas!

  14. Jacqui said

    Hi, love the work you do……….

    how about some really really simple kid friendly patterns to get the next generation started,

    I had a go with my 12 yr old son who was keen to create weird monsters, but all the patterns were too complex.

    (Free pattern if chosen please)

  15. Abby said

    1. Pattern
    2. Keep up the AmiDogs! Love em! I also liked the African violets, more plants would be neat, too!

  16. Stacia said

    I would like to enter the contest for the stuffing tool. I don’t have one and I would love to have one. i was planning on making somthing for my daughter.

    i would like to see more kitty cats. just cause my daughter loves cats and i would love to crochet some for her. Thanks.

  17. miss.clairey said

    Congratulations on four years of great blogging! I hope you have many more… For our sake 😉

  18. Ange said

    oh, meant to say too, that a number of friends ask me to teach them how to crochet (I learnt over 30 years ago as a child).
    I always email them links to your fantastic tutorial pages so they have some support at home to reference. Your patterns always receive comments of awe and disbeleif such creations are possible, as they always check out the rest of the site too. 🙂
    [may as well go for pattern for this one]

  19. Ange said

    Hi June
    I love your work, particularly the Pratchett inspired ones (we’ve been big Pratchett fans here for 20+ years). The discworld card I received with my stitch markers gets lots of comments from friends (also many Pratchett fans) due to it’s place on the back of the dunny door.

    what I would really love to see are some great finger puppets (no not necessarily Pratchett ones, too many copyright issues), they are fabulous for keeping kids amused, and great gifts.

    [oops nearly forgot…stuffing tool….]

  20. 1. Pattern… please 🙂
    2. I would love to see more zoo animals.

    I had thought of something, I wanted to ask if you could make. I just can’t remember now. I should of wrote it down!

    Congratulations on your anniversary!! Keep up the wonderful work June!!

    OH!! Reepicheep is cute and very detailed!! Wow wee!! Great Job!!

  21. Jill said

    Just wanted to leave a note that i think you are awesome and your patterns rock!! I have been crocheting for over 25 years and the choices we have these days are so much better than they were years ago thanks to designers like you!!

    Hugs, Jill

  22. Happy Little said

    Looks like you got lots of comments!! yay!! I haven’t done any of the punch embrodiery…looks SO cool =) The crochet patterns are awesome!!

  23. Jessica said

    Congratulations on 4 fantastic years of blogging – you’ve been a real inspiration to me and I can’t wait to see what you come up with in the next 4 years 🙂

    I would love to win one of your fantastic patterns – I’ve had my eye on your new pig pattern so I would be very happy if I won that 🙂

    I love to see your more detailed and structured crochet creations like your beautiful gorilla and you most recent Reepicheep. They remind me just how limitless crochet can be.

  24. StephanieF said

    1: Pattern please!
    2: I would love more tutorials! Especially ones involving techniques

    Love your work! so clean and life-like.

  25. Jennie said

    I’m really hoping to win the stuffing tool. I think it’ll make amigurumi life a bit easier. It’s hard to come up with suggestions because I’ve been very pleased with everything you’ve created. Well, since you have lots of AmiDogs, have you thought about doing kitties as well?


  26. Jennie said

    For the pattern–

    I think the next pattern I’d like to try is the Arctic Fox. I’ve made several of your patterns, and I’ve really enjoyed them. One of my favorites that I’ve made so far was the artist set. Although I love the animals, how about considering a few more inanimate things? My daughter seems to get more use out of those.


  27. Cora Shaw said

    Hey congrats on 4 yrs, really 4 years? Seems you had been around longer than that 🙂

    I would love a free pattern if I win, if I don’t that’s okay. I love your blog, patterns, tutorials well everything. I am so happy to have been able to get to know you 🙂


  28. Vilian said

    Congrats on the anniversary! May your blog live another 4 years, and another, and another… ^.^

    I’d love to win a PATTERN – I’m a guinea pigs (and rodents in general) fan, and my own patternless guinea pig amis look rather scary, yours are wonderfully real so would love to receive a copy of the pattern.
    As for the ideas for the blog, I learned a lot from you on working with eyelash yarn. More of such advices on various types of fancy yarn and stitches would be very welcomed!

  29. Marla Jones said

    Hi, first time commenter! I’m not sure what a URI is so, left it blank. anyway, I would like the pattern, please. I do like the Reepicheep *claps hands!!* and would like to see more fictional characters. At first I thought he was from the Redwall books! *pssst…maybe you should check them out, some nice little hedgehogs would be awesome!*


  30. Karen said

    1) This one is for the tool~
    2) Your Mop Top mascot reminded me of lemmings. They’re really old video game characters 🙂

  31. Karen said

    1) pattern (the sea turtle one~)
    2) I accidentally stumbled onto your site while searching for a new project to start. My mom taught me the basics to crochet and it just made so much sense to me that I fell in love with it. I’ve tried to knit but it just doesn’t seem as much fun. I am still new to your site and I do avidly crochet but I really find “how-to” crochet pages really interesting. I hope to see your amigurumi help page expand ^___^

    Happy 4th anniversary <3 <3 <3

  32. Amy said

    I’d love a free pattern. I think your designs are so interesting, I love your design aesthetic. So simple, yet you manage to really capture the essence of that critter. I have to start some of your guinea pigs soon for my girls :o) Gosh, I can’t imagine what to suggest for new ideas…maybe bugs? Spiders, butterflies, beetles, mantids…lots to choose from.

    Best wishes for the future and I can’t wait to see what you come up with next!

  33. Sue said

    1. I would like the tool, as I never have seen them in a store here in Bangkok.

    Your art work is amazing and each piece shows how much you love it.



  34. izzy said

    1. Pattern!
    2. Would love more tutorials, more patterns (dogs, flowers)!

  35. Pam Minick said

    I just put your book on my wish list on Amazon!

    I would love a free pattern! I already bought the stuffing tool. 🙂

  36. Meaghan K said

    1. I would love the Reepicheep pattern!! He is my favorite character out of the entire world of Narnia!!

    2. I am a huge Disney fan. I’m in the process of trying to complete a project where I have all of the Disney princesses/main characters (since Meg, Mulan, and Alice aren’t princesses). Once I finish them, I’m starting on the princes. But everyone does the princesses. I would LOVE to see some of the villians! Maleficient and Ursula, definitely. Captain Hook, Jafar, Hades, and Dr Facilier would also be awesome! Pain and Panic would just be fun!!

  37. Kim L. said

    Might as well try for the stuffing tool too – I don’t have one of those yet!

    In addition to a cat pattern, I’m always looking for food and coffee cup amigurumi patterns.


  38. Kim L. said

    Reepicheep is sooo awesome and cute!

    Happy Blogoversary – I’d love to win a pattern!

    I’d like to see a cat pattern – I can’t seem to find one that I really like. Video or picture tutorials are always helpful too.


  39. Bree Gordon said

    Dear June,

    I looked at your little swashbuckling mouse (Reepecheepi?) and I immediately thought of my favorite Christmas Story, “Santa Mouse.” I think it would make a fabulous pattern, with his gift-wrapped piece of cheese, tiny boots, and Santa suit. Small enough to hang on the Christmas tree, if possible.

    Bree Gordon
    aka Crafty McSchnafty

  40. Lyda Loehring said

    You are such a talent….I only wish I could make all the creatures you make. So congradulations on 4 years of making us all envious. Thanks.

  41. As much as I love your little whale, I’d love to find a pattern for an expanded version with more detail (fins, tail, mouth, etc). The best one I’ve found is in Japanese and a chart. Since I don’t do too well reading either, and since your patterns are always well-written, perhaps you could create one. And I’d love a pattern if you draw my comment!

  42. Jana said

    I think I’ve already suggested this, but how about story book characters? You know, ones that are NOT copyrighted, like Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf, or the 3 pigs, Puss N Boots? etc. I think, especially in light of your newest, Reepicheep, that you would be awesome at creating these characters!

  43. Jana said

    Congratulations, June! I bless the day I found your site while trying to find out how in the world to do the magic ring!
    You may have already mentioned this, but I think some more of your wonderful tutorials would be a great addition, but I would make them video tutorials! I loved the one with the stuffing tool. I would suggest going back to all of your tuts and making them all into vid tuts! 😀

  44. Amanda said

    2. I have found that when I’m in a rut or looking to move forward, I can find a new stitch and make everything better. Recently I’ve found a way around the spikey or shag look, created by eyelash yarn. It’s not a complete alternative to it, but I like it A TON better than eyelash yarn. (I HATES THE EYELASH YARN!) Below are the stitch instructions, as found on Lion Brand’s crochet page, for the loop shag stitch. If you cut the loops when you’re finished, it gives an AMAZING shag look.

    So, in short, my suggestion is to find a way to incorporate this stitch into your work:

    Front Loop Stitch: Insert hook in indicated st and draw up a loop; form a loop in front of work as follows: Bring working yarn to the front; hold working yarn with finger or thumb of hand holding the hook. Leaving a loop of yarn in the front, bring working yarn to back of work. Insert hook in same st and draw up a loop

  45. Eve said

    Hello my dear!

    Congratulations on 4 year blogiversary.. you are such a geniOus!! =)

    Love from Australia


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