The Fuzzy Seal pattern is now available! You can order it directly from and the pdf will be e-mailed to you. Now you can make your own amigurumi baby harp seal!
The Fuzzy Seal pattern is now available! You can order it directly from and the pdf will be e-mailed to you. Now you can make your own amigurumi baby harp seal!
April’s OneHourCraft Challenge is “to make an impossibly gorgeous necklace”, so I got the polymer clay out and started playing. I used a base of translucent Fimo Soft, with snakes of green and blue running through it. I also added dark greeny-blue micro beads (tiny glass beads with no holes) to the rounded beads, which […]
I had a nice surprise waiting for me when I got home today. And it was perfectly timed to cheer me up (my wrist is hurting again, thanks to some work-related strain on it yesterday): Photo taken in dappled sunlight to prove that the sun really is out – yay! It’s a package of cute […]
I made these polymer clay faux granite rocks last week. They were originally intended to be stones for the base of my artificial bonsai, but I decided they weren’t quite right for that project. I just sanded them quickly with my homemade detail sander to get my fingerprints off. (The size of each stone is […]
Testing another pattern for Kristen, here’s my second (and last) little fairy – she’s a bit shy though: Ahh, here she is! I’m really pleased with her hair: I unravelled the plies of worsted weight yarn so it would be fine and fluffy and curly: It was fun to try out someone else’s patterns for […]
I tested this fairy pattern for Kristen. I followed the pattern exactly except for the colours and hairstyle. And I had far too much fun giving her the long thick tresses (chocolate brown with black streaks and honey highlights) that I will never have in real life! Isn’t she cute?
And now for something completely different… Inspired by a segment on artificial bonsai on the TV show How It’s Made that I saw on Discovery channel last week, and Mumblepeg’s lovely crocheted sakura (the “Best Wildcard” winner in the Softie Awards), I was inspired to create my own bonsai sakura (that’s a cherry blossom tree, […]
I really am back in action! Fuzzy Penguin needed a friend, so I’ve made a baby fuzzy seal: They are fast friends already, as you can see: Maui decided the photoshoot couldn’t proceed without at least one shot including his handsome face 🙂 This pattern is (I hope) going to be a true original – […]