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natural fibre amigurumi

Did you know that 2009 is the International Year of Natural Fibres? Natural fibres include plants (cotton, flax, hemp, bamboo, etc) and animals (sheep, goat, alpaca, camel, angora rabbit, etc).

This is perfect timing for me – I’ve been thinking for months of making a series of animals out of yarn made from their own fibres. To kick start the series, I’ve made an alpaca, using the wonderful yarn I picked up from Alpaca Acres last year. I was saving it for something special, but then I realised: this is what I do. What could be more special for me than to design a mini replica of Harvey, the alpaca who donated some of his fleece to make my yarn?

me at Alpaca Acres
Me with Harvey at Alpaca Acres

And I turned some of his gorgeous yarn into this:

amigurumi alpaca by planetjune
Harvey’s mini-me

amigurumi alpaca by planetjune
See his fluffy topknot and tail?

And before you ask, yes, there will be a pattern, and no, you won’t need to find some obscure type or thickness of yarn to make it. Look out for the Alpaca pattern some time next week, or sign up for my mailing list if you’d like immediate notification when it’s ready!

If this pattern is successful, I’d like to make some more animals in this series, like a cashmere or mohair goat, an angora bunny, and a silkworm.* What do you think?

*okay, maybe not that last one


UPDATE: You can find the Alpaca crochet pattern in my shop!


  1. Wanda Seaver said

    What a wonderful talent you have and such adorable critters. I love the alpaca and I will look forward to see the pattern when available. However, I would also be very interested in a camel with 1 hump. I spin my own yarn and have some camel fleece that I would like to make into an amigurumi animal. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks so much, Wanda

    • June said

      Hi Wanda, this is a very old post, and my Alpaca pattern has been out for years now (you can find a link to the pattern at the end of the above post)! I’ve also been commissioned to make a camel pattern, so that design will be coming later this year – I suggest you sign up for my monthly updates newsletter and then you’ll be among the first to know when the camel pattern is released 🙂

  2. Jessica said

    Goodness, he’s adorable! I’m always a sucker for cute alpaca.

  3. June that rocks!!!

    My mom needs one of these for her birthday in May… ya writtin’ a pattern? I MUST HAVE EEEEET!!!!

  4. Puglette said

    oh, june! harvey is so cute! i love him! you are so very clever, i love the curve of the neck, i am so impressed! i can’t wait for the pattern!

  5. Carolina said

    I have no words to describe how adorable I find this whole post!

  6. Lindsey said

    Alpacas are sooo cool! When I was still living at home with my parents there were people that would always have their alpacas downtown outside, promoting their shop. They even had little hearts on their necks around Valentine’s day. Super cute.

    This little guy totally does them justice too. Keep up the great work. Can’t wait to see what you do next.

  7. Jana said

    Awesome! What a fantastic idea! This probably sound ignorant, but is the alpaca the SAME or in the same FAMILY as a Llama? Llama wool is the BEST thing in the world to keep you warm! I have a llama wool sweater that I have had for 22 years and it STILL looks brand new! I got it in Ecuador in 1987! I also have a shawl, also of llama, from the same time, and it also still keeps me warm! But I digress! I can’t WAIT till Harvey is available! First in line!

  8. Else said

    He’s wonderful, June! Make the pattern, quick! 🙂

  9. Ros said

    they are identical!! they are both so cute (the real and the amigurumi)!! and what a beautiful brown has that wool!!

  10. Kim said

    Oh, my goodness, I’m not alone! There “are” other people out there just like me, crazy about animals and chrocheting, all at the same time!!!
    As for the “silkworm” idea??? I think its great!!! and if by some unimaginable reason you cannot come up with a design or pattern for the “silkworm” I would love to offer my assistance.
    I chrochet as a type of therapy for my crippled arm/hand/mind. Over the past couple of decades have developed many of my own patterns, out of pure necessity.
    Anyway, I think your ideas are wonderful !!!! Very anxious to see the final products and to obtain the patterns, so I can start chrocheting.

  11. Robyn said

    Oh how adorably cute! I bet he’s really soft. I wanna snuggle with him!

  12. Cindy said

    That is too adorable. I think a silkworm would be cute. ;o

  13. Sabrina said

    I’d love to feed my fiber addition with more fiber animals. (Mr. Alpaca’s already on my list of “must make two.)

    I think a silkworm moth might be fun, but I’m a freak:

    giant silkworm moth

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