PlanetJune Craft Blog
Latest news and updates from June

all change!

I have news. Big news. Mind-blowingly huge news. And it’s not directly craft-related, but will impact my entire life (including my business), so I need to share it with you…

My husband has been offered a job at the observatory in Cape Town, South Africa, and he’s accepted it!

I’m very proud of Dave – he’s worked really hard for years to find a position like this and it’s a great opportunity. We haven’t figured out yet exactly when we’ll be leaving, but it’ll be some time this winter. Can you believe it?! We’re moving to South Africa!

lion photo by June Gilbank
Pics from our trip to African Lion Safari (how prescient!) last year

It is great news, but, PlanetJune-wise, it’s really thrown me for a loop. I had a book contract literally sitting in my inbox waiting to be signed that I’ve had to turn down because there just wouldn’t be time to write it while organising an intercontinental move – so frustrating! And it’s obviously going to cause some changes with my business.

Luckily for me, PayPal started up in South Africa earlier this year. It has extra fees and complications, but I’m just glad it exists at all – I don’t know how I would have managed otherwise!

Pattern downloads in my shop are, of course, instant and automatic, so there’ll be no disruption in service there. The only difficulty will be in shipping physical items (eyes, stitch markers, stuffing tools) – I’ll have to shut down that part of my shop for a couple of months while everything is being shipped over, but that won’t be for a few months, so don’t panic! I’ll keep you updated on the situation when I’ve figured out what needs to happen and when.

giraffe photo by June Gilbank

I’m still reeling from this – it doesn’t seem possible that it’s really happening! I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t overwhelmed and a bit terrified too, but it’s definitely going to be an adventure, and it’ll provide endless inspiration for my future designs.

See, I told you it was big news..!


  1. Megan said

    Wow. Congrats to your husband!! And I hope everything goes well for you with the move! Bummer about the book, but hopefully they can wait for you!

  2. June said

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! All your good wishes mean so much to me! xo

  3. Sherry said

    Wow June! That is fantastic , scary, amazing news! Congratulations to your hubby! I think you will just love it, once you get settled. Blessings and Prayers to you and yours. You have many fans around the world, and no matter what continent you are on, we will follow….. Good Luck! ;o)

  4. gertie said

    Congratulations! An Adventure!!!

    What a wonderful thing for your family.

  5. Donna said


  6. Kimi said

    Oh noes! Time to order a backup stuffing tool and some more stitch markers! 😀

    Sounds like a wonderful opportunity. Congratulations!

  7. Corvus said

    That’s fantastic! I did a fair share of growing up overseas (favorite: Seychelles. You’ll be a lot closer to them than I; if you need a tropical vacation while you’re over there, I can’t recommend the islands more), and I can’t begin to describe how much that time meant to me, nor how large a role it played in making me who I am today.

    Also: you’ll have access to some pretty awesome African fabrics. Envy! If you ever end up missing something from over here, I’ll totally swap for fabric.

    I’d wish you good luck, but it looks like you’re already set on that. Instead, congrats!

  8. Tara said

    So exciting! I’m from South Africa (though the other side of the country) so I am THRILLED for you!

    If you need to get in touch with other bloggers in the Cape Town area…let know; I can refer you to some blogs. I’m sure that they’ll help you get settled!

  9. wow good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)

  10. Astaryth said

    Wow! Congrats to your Hubs! What a wonderful opportunity for him. AND, what an adventure for you.

  11. June said

    Fantastic news June! What a lucky lady you are!

    Congratulations to your hubby and I wish you both all the best!

  12. Stacey Trock said

    Congrats! That’s such awesome news!

  13. Sarah L. said

    Holy business, that IS big news! Best of luck, it sounds like a great adventure 🙂

  14. Jessica said

    Wow – congratulations to you and your husband, what fantastic news! Sounds like a real adventure, I hope it all goes really smoothly for you both 🙂

  15. Miriam said

    Congrats to your husband! Sounds like a great adventure. And it sounds very full of details to work out! I’ve put together a bunch of cross-country moves, but international? Oy vey. But I’d gladly accept the challenge if I had the opportunity!

  16. Hi June–Congratulations–that’s super-exciting. I think you’re smart not to worry too much about exactly replicating your business in South Africa because you’ll need room to be open to how it will grow and change by virtue of the new opportunities there. I’m sure it will be wonderful, and a big challenge. You’ve got the right attitude. I can’t wait to here about the transition. Please continue to tell us about it on the blog, even if it doesn’t seem “yarn related.” 🙂

  17. Christina Colon said

    Congratulations to both you and your husband. Wow, what an adventure you are about to begin. Best wishes and the best of luck to you both.

  18. Natalie said

    Congratulations June! I know it will be an amazing experience for the both of you. My grandfather worked for the UN and was in West Africa. He loved it. I always loved the treasures he would bring back to me as a young kid. I know it will inspire your craft work! 🙂


  19. camelama said

    Holy cats, that IS big news! Just think of all the research opportunities for new pattersn! Hee hee.

    I can’t wait to hear all about your adventures there. Best wishes for your wonderful future!

  20. Sam said

    That’s so exciting!! Even though you had to pass up that book deal, I’m sure things will work out for the best! Good luck with the move!

  21. Petra said

    Wow! What a fantastic opportunity. Embrace it with arms wide open 🙂 Good luck!

  22. Allison said

    Wow, what amazing news!! We will miss you here in Canada, but I will continue to follow your blog to find out all of the happenings in SA!!
    And Congrats to Dave on his job! All his hard work has paid off 🙂

  23. Wow! I’m so happy for you! Congratulations. What an amazing opportunity. I wish you and Dave all the best of luck.

    We were contemplating moving to Cambodia (long, long story), so I have an idea of all the work involved. I’m sure it will be a crazy busy time, but it will be absolutely worth. I’m so excited for you!!

    (And I guess I better put together a big order of eyes and such.)

    • June said

      Heh, yes – I’m running low on a couple of sizes right now, but I’m going to double up on everything when I restock so all my US/Canadian customers can get big orders in before I move!

  24. Annie said

    Congrats to you and your husband! This sounds like it will be a fun adventure for you two. I have several friends from South Africa and I’ve heard Cape Town is a lovely place.

  25. Lisa Schwartz said

    How wonderful for your husband. I’m happy to hear you are keeping a positive attitude about it all. It will be a grand adventure indeed.

    So, I’m curious, what was the book offer for that you had to turn down?

    • June said

      I don’t think I can share any info about the book: these things are all pretty hush-hush until the official announcement, and I don’t know if the publisher may decide to go ahead with a different author or something. There’ll be other opportunities for me though, I’m sure!

      • Lisa Schwartz said

        Understandable. And with your talent there will certainly be more opportunities.

  26. Justine said

    Wow! Congrats and best of luck to you and your husband, June!

  27. sara said

    Congratulations to your hubby! Change is scary but it sounds like you are more than ready to face this delightful challenge!! Congrats to you too. All my best to you and yours~! <3

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